Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tone and Technique

Music is an interesting art form. It combines more technical things; how you hold the pick, playing in time and how a chord or triad is made, with artistic ones such as; the tone of the instrument, the feel of the song, the choice of melody, the volume of the instrument. The technical aspects of music seem to define a base or canvas on which to lay the true art-piece of it upon.

Like a canvas however, the art itself can dominate and press beyond the boundaries set before it. Ultimately two things are important: the artist's opinion, the one arranging, writing and combining the music, and the listener's opinion. The rest of the music world serves as a mediator, of sorts, between the two principles. Record labels, publishers, the mass media all search the vast array of artists to find one (or many) who's opinion i.e. their take on a song, their choice of tone, volume and melody; matches the qualities in which they deem marketable to the target audience.

When I practice, I spend a small percentage of my time working on technique - my timing, how I hold the pick, where I play at on the guitar; and the greater portion of practice working on the voice of my performance. How should my music feel? How do I hear a melody line to a song? Do I play softly here or loudly? I think if an artist can express himself (or herself) clearly through their music they lend better product to themselves as an artist and also to the mediators and, in turn, the listeners. I think this is a common journey for almost all musicians. Will I ever get there? I won't know until I try


  1. Hi! Your wife sent me one of your CD's and I just have to tell you myself that it is AWESOME! You are truley tallented and you need to keep up the great work! My husband was very impressed too, and thats saying a lot! haha Im going to send you guys one of our cds this week!

  2. Thank you Laura! It is always nice to talk with a fellow musician. I am very much looking forward to your CD's arrival.

  3. I know youll make all your goals ...sounds like you know how to get there and more
